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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reason Drum Tip

Building a Drum Kit in Reason
One of Reason's most overlooked features is its ability to open Rex file slices in the Redrum drum machine instrument. Click the Sample Load button and locate a Rex loop, that will let you preview the loop. Double-clicking on the loop will open it as if it were a folder, displaying all the slices within the Rex file. Select the one you want to use and click the Open button. There you go, instant drum beat, just loop and splice to your delight and you're ready to go.


  1. i've got a 24piece in real, with double bass, i just lack recording equipment, i've used reason only a few times, it isnt customizable enough i've found, im gonna test this out though. maybe a video tutorial or something from you in the future?? idk :)

  2. I will work on the videos, knowing there is a demand for them is good inspiration. In the meantime a really good youtuber with some great tutorials is "Beginner to Pro". Most of his videos are for fruity loops though, I really don't use reason for input recording. You want to make sure you have a good mic though, recording double bass would seem to be a pain.
