What software do you use most often?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

So That I Have a Better Idea...

What kinds of questions do you guys have about different things?
Examples include:
-Making Melodies
-Making Drum Beats
-Recording MiDi input
Personally if you are just starting out (or computer is low to mid-end) to learn the feel of things with FruityLoops; it's much easier to make a simple beat in their interface. If you guys have specific questions I will find an answer for you, and if i had the same question as you do I will give you the reference that helped me; and eventually make my own videos and tutorials when I get enough feedback.
Get at me, in the meantime I will post generic music related articles.


  1. I have a question, what sort of program would I use to make music on a computer?

  2. certainly looks interesting. I dont know much on the subject. What kinda program do you use?

  3. nice, thanks for the info

  4. Any of the above softwares in the poll work great really, all just depends on your personal tastes. Well, and your budget :)
    I recommend FL to start out.

  5. Do you use any special equipment to record?

  6. fruity loops and audicity are great, soundbooth is the shit if you take the time to learn everything

    great blog

  7. Thankyou, and well for input i recommend getting a decent microphone. I personally used a snoball to start out with and will be investing in a better mic soon; but when first starting out you don't need to do any input really.

  8. yeah, i'll try FL when i have time, but it looks like a time eater thing...

  9. will electronic drums replace regular drums forever?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I'll show my brother this blog, he is really into playing music, I just listen :P

  12. Good stuff man, following you! keep it updated!

  13. i suggest you take one of those online courses dude.

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